

We’ll help you find the tech talent you need, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.


We’ll help you find the tech talent you need, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.


We’ll help you find the tech talent you need, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.


We’ll help you find the tech talent you need, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.

Cereal Rye, Oats, Peas, Triticale, Buckwheat and blends.

Custom blends and straight forage seed available.

Cleaning of Customers Seed, Custom Treatment and Packaging options available.

Recommended seeding rates.


ACC Bullet – Secan

  •  White hull milling oat with low hull content
  • Slightly later maturing than some
  • Excellent yielding variety
  • Heavy kernel weight
  • Good straw strength and standability
  • Good lodging resistance
    Medium height
  • Better than average resistance to crown rust

AAC Reid

  • White hulled spring oat
  • Suited to growers whose oat production is affected by crown rust
  • One day later maturing than AAC Bullet and AAC Banner
  • Superior grain yield levels to AAC Bullet, and similar yield levels to AAC Banner”

Orford Oats

  • White-hulled milling Oat
  • Later maturity
  • Tall variety
  • Good Test Weight


Dignity – Secan – 6 Row

  • High Yield
  • Good standability
  • Medium height barley
  • Consistent bushel weight
  • Medium maturity

AAC Vitality – Advantage – 6 Row

  •  High yield
  • Good resistance to lodging
  • Good resistance to straw break
  • Late in heading and maturity
  • Moderately resistant to net blotch and spot blotch

Esma – Secan – 2 Row

  • Spring 2-row barley with very strong yield levels,
  • an attractive agronomic package, and malt quality
  • Excellent Test Weight


Oat - Barley Mixture

  • 50-50
  • 65-35
  • 35-65

Oat - Forage Pea Mixture

  • 60-40

Oat - Barley - Pea Mixture

  • 35-35-30 (Forage peas)
  • 55-30-15 (Cereal Peas)

Barley - Forage Pea Mixture

  •  60-40

Other combination available upon request.

Straight Common Forage Peas and Certified Amarillo Cereal Peas also available.

Cover Crop Section

Cover Crops

  • Oats
  • Fall Rye
  • Triticale
  • Buckwheat
  • Other species available upon request


AAC Brandon Spring Wheat – Secan

  • Awned, semi-dwarf CWRS wheat
  • Similar lodging tolerance and disease resistance to AC® Carberry with 105% yield index, 0.5 day earlier maturity and 1 cm shorter plant height


  • Well adapted across western Canada
  • Introduced to northeastern Ontario for its positive yield, agronomic and grain qualities

Marker Wheat – Advantage

  • Soft Red Winter Wheat
  • Excellent Standability
  • Easy to Thrash
  • Excellent Bushel Weight
  • Resistant to Leaf, Stripe and Stem Rust
  • Moderately Resistant (MR) to Fusarium

OAC Constellation

  • Hard Red Winter Wheat

  • Awned soft red winter wheat with strong straw and medium plant height
  • Very good tolerance to leaf and stripe rusts
  • Excellent grade retention
  • Great threshability
  • Developed by the University of Guelph wheat breeding program



OAC Kamran

  •  High yielding 2725 HU (RM 0.6) imperfect yellow hilum conventional soybean
  • SCN resistance (PI 88788)
  • Excellent standability
  • Medium plant stature

OAC Strive - Secan

  • Maturity = 2650 CHU, Group 0.4
  • Impressive emergence and early season growth
  • Semi-bushy, above average reaction to white mould
  • Ideally suited for 7” to 15” rows, Good on all soil types
  • Offers good lodging resistance and higher-than-normal protein
  • ​Well suited for IP food-grade programs


Seabrook R2X

  • 2700 HU (RM 0.6) Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean variety with very strong yield levels
  • Has a distinct, aggressive plant structure

Full Line up of CROPLAN Genetics Available

Forages & Grasses

  • Alfalfa
  • Timothy
  • Clover
  • Trefoil
  • Fescue
  • Ryegrass
  • Orchardgrass
  • Bromegrass
  • Canarygrass
  • Turf Grass
  • Sorghum Sudan

See price list for a list of varieties available

Custom Blends for pastures, frost seeding, etc. are available. Must be ordered in advance.

Custom Cleaning & Treating

Cleaning of Customers’ Seed, Custom Treatment and Packaging options available.

Planting Rates

The following is a list of recommended seeding rates. The recommended seeding rate chart is ONLY a guide. These rates assume that you are using cleaned and properly treated seed based on average seed sizes for the various crops. In order to determine what seed treatments should be applied to the seed, you need to assess your soil conditions as well as the disease and insect pressure present or that could potentially affect the seed and crop on your farm. Your soil conditions, type of soil, equipment and farming practices are important in determining a targeted seeding rate and should be taken into consideration.

For grains being used as a nurse crop with under seeding, reduce the nurse crop seeding rate by 25%. If the crop is going to be harvested as a grain, if taking the nurse crop earlier as a “forage” only need to reduce the nurse crop seeding rate by 10% – 15%.

The Recommended Seeding rate is also based on your seeding date. The closer to the optimal date that you are seeding, the less you need to adjust the seeding rate. (Optimal date varies each year – but 30 days prior to the Agricorp cut off for insurance coverage is a good rule of thumb.) For cereals it is recommended to increase your seeding rate with later plantings where tillering will be reduced.

It is important to note that while these seeding rates are a recommendation only, these rates are based on economic return versus receiving maximum yield. These seeding rates are suggested for direct seeding and should be adjusted higher for aerial or broadcast applications.

*For soybeans being grown for “IP” (food grade or Identity Preserved) production, using wider rows will provide more consistent soybean sizing and provide more air movement within the row to reduce the risk of white mould and provide more air movement for harvesting. However you also have a higher risk of later weed escapes if the crop is slow to canopy due to adverse weather conditions.

Crop Plants per Sq. Ft. Seeds per Acre Lbs/ Acre (Average)
Barley 23-33 1,000,000 – 1,400,000 110
Oats 19-28 800,000 – 1,200,000 90
Mixed Grain 19-33 800,000 – 1,400,000 90
Spring Wheat 28-37 1,200,000 – 1,600,000 150
Winter Wheat 33-42 1,400,000 – 1,800,000 160
Oat/Barley/Pea (Forage) 21-25 900,000 – 1,100,000 120
Oat/Barley/Pea (Combine) 21-25 900,000 – 1,100,000 100
Oat/Pea 18-23 800,000 – 1,000,000 120
Triticale/ Pea (Forage) 23-28 1,000,000 – 1,200,000 125
Spring Triticale 32-41 1,400,000 – 1,800,000 125
Winter Triticale 27-37 1,200,000 – 1,600,000 140
Soybeans 7.5” rows 175,000 – 200,000 90
15” rows 160,000 – 180,000 75
30” rows 140,000 – 160,000 55

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